Friday 5 April 2013

Food presentation in Advertising

It is clear to us all that whatever is in the picture of an advert (particularly for fast food outlets) that the presentation of food is highly unlikely to resemble the reality.  But that's the exact art of advertising - the buggers want to draw us in to these tasty looking meals but in reality in terms of how it looks - it's all a bit naff really.

Here's an example I'm sure you've all seen before: 
big mac, mcdonalds, fast food, false advertising, comparison, ads, vs, reality, burger, hamburger 
And a few other shockers just to open up your eyes and drop your jaws!
 fast, food, advertising, burger king, whopper, false, tiny, comparison, ads, vs, reality
Tacos, Jack In The Box, fast food, false advertising, actual, false, comparison, ads, vs, reality 
  taco bell, crunchy taco, fast food, false advertising, , mcdonalds, fast food, false advertising, actual, false, comparison, ads, vs, reality

It's crazy how different the advertisement vs reality is! This lets us switch back to the glazing descriptions by Roland Barthes in Ornamental Cookery who states how the power of presentation gives of the notion of "dream-like cookery".  He describes how in the particular magazine in question - 'Elle', "never show the dishes except from a high angle, as objects at once near and inaccessible, whose consumption can perfectly well be accomplished simply by looking".  Advertisers and marketing experts use techniques to ensure food looks as appetising as possible in order to draw in their customers.  The people who this work just as hard as make-up artists and are known as food-stylists.  On search of the world wide web I came across a BBC article where they discuss the art of food styling and came across a list of the styles and ways they make food look as good as it does.  The process is by no means as easy as it looks - one food stylist, Mari Williams, speaks of how she used tweezers to present grains of rice in the most attractive way possible, all for the sake of advertisements.  I bet you never though rice of all things could have a stylist!

A cup of rice

Here's a few tips to make your home plates just as good as the adverts!

Tricks of the trade
We asked the food stylists for their top tips on making food look great at home:

  • Think of shapes when you are cutting your ingredients, cutting spring onions on an angle looks so much better than straight across, same with bread.  Shave cucumber into ribbons rather than slices.
  • Think about what you’re plating your food on. You'll be amazed at how a lovely plate or bowl can transform the way your food looks- even if it's just a jacket potato! Choosing neutral, simple plates allows food to be the star.
  • Always wipe the plate before serving to get rid of any dribbles or splashes (a wet cotton bud is good for soup bowls or glasses).
  • Many supermarkets now sell micro herbs – they look so pretty either in a clump on top of a dish or scattered over a plate.
  • Taking a few extra moments to garnish plates - a sprinkle of chopped herbs, a drizzle of olive oil or a grinding of black pepper.


  1. I wonder If I could make packet noodles look more appetising with these tips? Great post!

  2. Very informative post Kiran. Wonder is this works on food videography as well? I hope you can also check out my blog Video Production Essentials on Selling Food Products to the Market.
